Update iSMS Task Scheduler with PHP Code
How to update iSMS Task Scheduler with PHP Code
Bulk SMS API key is created to offer convenience to your clients with the flexibility to integrate it into your existing system or application. By using the Bulk SMS Australia Task Scheduler, you are not required to log in member console system individually or requiring your staff to handle multople locations to send out SMS to your clients.
A simple example is prepared to show how you can update your task scheduler using PHP coding. It is a good reference especially to the system developers in your company.
Before you start, please make sure you have registered with Bulk SMS Australia to get the username and password. Please click HERE to start.
In order to login to your member console, you may click HERE.
1. Create a PHP file with your preferred name.
2. Copy the following PHP samplee code and then replace it with your Bulk SMS Australia login account details.
- username
- password
- your mobile number
You can go to view your Task Scheduler listing by navigating to SMS > Task Scheduler.
HTTPS Result
Upload the file to your server and run it with a web browser. A HTTPS request will be initiated and a new window will be prompted. The following information will be displayed in your browser's address bar.

The information will be updated in accordance to the attributes that you have inserted.
Sample PHP Coding
<?php $username = "isms"; $password = "isms123"; $dstno = 614xxxxxxx; $msg = "testing message"; $det = "description"; $tr = "onetime"; $type = 1; $senderid = "isms"; $date = "2013-12-12"; $hour = 12; $min = 15; $week = 1; $month = 1; $day = 1; $scid = 56442 ; //scid get from the task scheduler you create $action = "update"; $sendlink = "http://www.isms.com.my/isms_scheduler.php?un=".urlencode($username)."&pwd=".urlencode($password)."&dstno=".$dstno ."&msg=".urlencode($msg)."&det=" .urlencode($det)."&tr=".$tr ."&type=".$type."&sendid=" .urlencode($senderid)."&date=".$date."&hour=" .$hour."&min=".$min."&week=".$week ."&month=".$month."&day=".$day ."&scid=".$scid."&action=".$action; fopen($sendlink, "r"); ?>