Send SMS with PHP in iSMS Australia
How to Send SMS with PHP
Send SMS as easy as pie. Have you ever thought about sending SMS by just opening an URL?
Our services has been improved whereby you are able to use PHP to initiate HTTP communication request between iSMS Australia gateway and your website. It is easy, simple and fast. All you need to do is substitute your iSMS information with the code provided and paste it into a browser address bar.
View more available features and configurations on Custom API page.
Learn more about sending SMS with other programming languages.
Sending SMS via URL parameters
1. Copy the link below and paste it to the address bar of your web browser.
2. Replace the un, pwd & dstono with your iSMS account information accordingly.
Sending SMS via PHP script
1. Alternatively, use the PHP code sample to generate the link
2. Replace the un, pwd & dstono with your iSMS account information accordingly.
$sendlink = "".urlencode($username)."&pwd=".urlencode($password)."&dstno=".$dstno." &msg=".urlencode($msg)."&type=".$type."&sendid=".$senderid; fopen($sendlink, "r");