Send SMS with C++ in iSMS Australia
How to Send Bulk SMS Australia with C++
Wish to integrate iSMS Australia's features into your program that runs with C++? You can do it now by including the script provided at the bottom of the page.
You can use any compilers of your choice, but we would highly recommend you to use Code Block or Visual Studio.
View more available features and configurations on Custom API page.
Learn more about sending SMS with other programming languages.
The following parameters in the script need to be replaced with your iSMS Australia account details.
- un - username
- pwd - password
- dstno - destination number (complete with full country code)
#include #include int main () { HINSTANCE result; result=ShellExecute(NULL,NULL," sendid=xxxxx",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWDEFAULT); if ((int)result<=32) std::cout << "Error!\nReturn value: " << (int)result << "\n"; return 0; }